USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit

The mixing-averaging unit (USO-20, 1USO-20 plants are the equivalents of this plant) is designed for preparing drilling and cementing slurries and other process fluids for drill-hole drilling and repairing.

TS 3666-008-79560377-2009

Slurry preparation is carried out by direct flow method and recirculation method with all design volume accumulation. The unit can increase grouting slurries weight and provide the homogeneity throughout the volume. The unit is equipped with mixing devices of two types: hydraulic pressure and hydro-pneumatic.

Technical specifications

Parameter name USO-20R1-01
Tank volume, m3 20 (2х10)
Accumulating slurry density up to, g/cm3 2,5
Allowable fluctuation in slurry density, g/cm3 0,01
Maximum feed of the original cementing slurry to the plant, сm3/s 50
Mixer specifications:  
- Functional principle; Mechanical
- Type; two-shaft auger-drill
- Rotation rate min, rpm 20-25
Nominal diameters of pipeline flow area, mm:
- receiving 100
- outlet collectors 100
- hydraulic feeder 50
Unit dimension, mm, max.  
- Length 9300
- Width 2500
- Height 3750
Hydraulic pressure mixer performance, dm3/s 25
Chassis: KAMAZ 43118-3027-50
- Cargo Trip tank, tonnes 12
- Wheel arrangement 6х6
- Engine EURO-5 740.735-400 (Е-5)
- Maximum Trip tank, kW (l.c) 220 (300)
- Gear box 154
- Tires КАМА 425/85-R21
Single-slope busbar
- Power take-off device MP24-4208010-60
- Spare Wheel Bracket On rear overhang

USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit-01 consist of:

USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit


USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit


USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit


1 Chassis KAMAZ 43118
2 Trip tank (2 compartments)
3 Reducer
4 Chain-drive for stirrer
5 Transition platform
6 Ladder
7 Servicing platform
8 Loading pipeline
9 Baskets
10 Stirrers
11 Hydraulic feeder (DN 2”)
12 slurry level indicator
13 Sampler
14 Unloading pup joint (DN 4″)
15 Jacks
16 Interior space lights of the container
17 Steam supply fitting pipe
18 Hydro-pressure mixer
19 Reducer drive chain
20 Tool box
21 LED light of the sampler

Technical specifications

Parameter name USO-20R1-02
Tank volume, m3 20
Accumulating slurry density up to, g/cm3 2,5
Allowable fluctuation in slurry density, g/cm3 0,01
Maximum feed of the original cementing slurry to the plant, сm3/s 50
Mixer specifications:  
- Functional principle; Mechanical
- Type; two-shaft auger-drill
- Rotation rate min, rpm 20-25
Unit dimension, mm, max.  
- Length 8600
- Width 2500
- Height 3700
Hydraulic pressure mixer performance, dm3/s 25
Chassis: KAMAZ 43118-3027-50
- Cargo Trip tank, tonnes 12
- Wheel arrangement 6х6
- Engine EURO-5 740.735-400 (Е-5)
- Maximum Trip tank, kW (l.c) 220 (300)
- Gear box 154
- Tires КАМА 425/85-R21
Single-slope busbar
- Power take-off device MP24-4208010-60
- Spare Wheel Bracket On rear overhang

USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit-02 consist of:

USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit


USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit


1 Chassis KAMAZ 43118
2 Bulk storage tank
3 Reducer
4 Chain gearing
5 Transition platform
6 Ladder
7 Servicing platform
8 Loading pipeline
9 Baskets
10 Stirrers
11 hydraulic feeder
12 slurry level indicator
13 Sampler
14 Unloading pup joint
15 Jacks
16 Interior space lights of the container
17 Steam supply fitting pipe
18 Hydro-pressure mixer

The mixing-averaging unit is designed for jet mixing of cement slurry in a container by mixing it with a belt screw, as well as recirculating it with a centrifugal pump. The unit provides the possibility of averaging and simultaneous delivery of cement slurry by centrifugal pumps to the pumping unit for subsequent injection into the well. The unit allows simultaneous delivery of the slurry from one container and preparation of the slurry in another.

The product is designed to work in temperate and cold climates according to GOST 15150-69, climatic version of NF at ambient temperatures from minus 50 to +40 °C, storage up to minus 69 °C. The container consists of two compartments in the lower part is made in the form of a semicircle, with a technological bias. The total Trip tank is 20 m3. The Trip tank of one compartment is 10 m3. Augers for mixing slurrys are installed in the tank compartments. The heating system provides the possibility of additional heating from the mobile steam heater or steam line of the drilling rig.

The bulk storage tank provides level gauges for each compartment of the tank, the tank is also equipped with a ladder for lifting service personnel to the work site, technological hatches for servicing components and mechanisms in the tank, two outlet collectors for taking cementing slurry from the compartments of the tank and draining water after washing it.

The service platform is installed behind the chassis cab in front of the tank. A hydraulic mixer (ejector mixer) is installed on the site.

This unit is equipped with two centrifugal pumps NC-100R1 (4"X5") with a Trip tank of up to 3.5 m3/min each with a hydraulic drive (hydraulic motors).

The unit is painted with polyurethane-based paints.

All components to be painted are stripped to pure metal in accordance with the specifications before being primed.

Technical specifications

Parameter name USO-20R1-12
Tank volume, m3 20 (2х10)
Accumulating slurry density up to, g/cm3 2,2
Top performance, m3/min, min 3,5
Tilt angle of the tank, deg., min 0,5
Nominal diameters of pipeline flow area, mm:
- receiving 100
- washover 50
- recirculating 100
- intaking 125
Internal coating of the tank Epoxy primer
Mixer specifications:  
- Functional principle; Mechanical
- Type; two-shaft auger-drill
- Rotation rate min, rpm 20-25
Centrifugal pump rate speed, rpm 1900-2400
Parameter name USO-20R1-12
Unit dimension, mm, max.  
- Length 9100
- Width 2500
- Height 3650
Centrifugal pumps:  
Brand NC-100R1
Maximum feed at speed 2400 rpm, l/s 58
Maximum pressure at speed 2400 rpm, kg/cm2 3,7
Maximum power consumption, kW (HP) 55 (75)
Parameter name USO-20R1-12
Chassis KAMAZ 43118-3027-50 (Euro 5):  
- engine, brand KAMAZ 740.735-400(Е-5)
- power, hp 300
- Wheel arrangement 6х6
- Gear box 154
- Cargo Trip tank, tonnes 12,7
- fuel tanks, l 310+250

USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit-12 consist of:

USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit


USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit


USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit


1 Chassis KAMAZ 43118
2 Bulk storage tank
3 Reducer
4 Chain gearing
5 Transition platform
6 Ladder
7 Servicing platform
8 Loading pipeline (DN 100mm)
9 Baskets
10 Stirrers
11 Recirculation pipeline (DN 100 mm)
12 slurry level indicator (2 pcs.)
13 Sampler
14 Discharge pop joint (DN 125 mm)
15 Mechanical jacks
16 Spotlights
17 Hydraulics heat exchanger
18 Steam supply fitting pipe
19 Recirculation line sampling cranes
21 Power take-off box from the chassis transfer case
23 Hydraulic pumps
24 Hydraulic motors
25 Centrifugal pumps
26 Oil tank
27 Hydraulic pumps drive power take-off box

Technical specifications

Parameter name USO-20R1-20
Tank volume, m3 20
Accumulating slurry density up to, g/cm3 2,5
Allowable fluctuation in slurry density, g/cm3 0,01
Maximum feed of the original cementing slurry to the plant, dm3/s 50
Tilt angle of the tank, deg., min 0,5
Mixer specifications:  
- Functional principle; Mechanical
- Type; two-shaft auger-drill
- Rotation rate min, rpm 20-25
Hydraulic pressure mixer performance, dm3/s 25
Centrifugal pump rate speed, rpm 1900-2400*
Maximum feed at speed 2400 rpm, l/s 58
Maximum pressure at speed 2400 rpm, kg/cm2(атм) 3,7
Chassis: KAMAZ 43118-3027-50
- Cargo Trip tank, tonnes 12
- Wheel arrangement 6х6
- Engine EURO-5 KAMAZ 740.705-300
- maximum power, kW (HP) 221 (300)
- Gear box 154

The stirrers are driven from the power take-off box installed on the transfer case of the car, through the driveshaft, gearbox and chain transmission. The speed rate of the stirrers is regulated by changing the engine speed and shifting gears in the gearbox.

The centrifugal pump has a hydraulic drive, from the power take-off box installed on the right side of the chassis gearbox, has an independent activation from the stirrer drive, the rotation speed is regulated by changing the engine speed.

USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit-20 consist of:

USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit


USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit


USO-20R1 The mixing-averaging unit


1 Chassis KAMAZ 43118
2 Bulk storage tank
3 Reducer
4 Chain gearing
5 Transition platform
6 Ladder
7 Servicing platform
8 Loading pipeline
9 Baskets
10 Stirrers
11 hydraulic feeder
12 slurry level indicator
13 Sampler
14 Discharge pup joint
15 Jacks
16 Interior space lights of the container
17 Steam supply fitting pipe
18 Hydro-pressure mixer
19 The recirculation pipeline
20 Pump flow connection to an external source
21 Suction pipe
22 Hydraulic pump
23 Hydraulic motor
24 Centrifugal pump NC-100R1
25 Hydraulic tank
26 Heat exchanger
Parameter name Value
Erection base Chassis URAL 4320-40 or КАМАZ-43118
Plant tank volume, m3 15-20
Maximum density of the prepared slurry (fractional method), kg/m³ 2500
Stirrer type belt type, screw type, twin-shaft, fore-bladed
Stirrer shaft rotation rate, rot./min. 20-25